Summer Day Camps for Children

Art Camps for kids from Monday to Friday, morning till dawn.

Dates and Topics

Summer Day Camps for children aged 6-12 

in Komunitní centrum Prádelna

Dates in 2019: 8.-12.7., 22.-26.7, 29.7.-2.8., 5.-9.8., 12.-16.8., 19.-23.8. 

Art Summer in Pradelna

LOCATION: KC Prádelna (Holečkova 38a, Praha Smíchov)

A colorful multi-genre program combining: MUSIC, DANCE, VISUAL ARTS…

We aim to introduce children to different art disciplines so they can make more informed choices what to go for during the school year to come.

MUSIC – opening new horizons, involving all senses. Kids can expect, piano, cimbalom, guitar, flute, Orff’s instruments, plenty of songs, inspirational melodies and musical games. 

DANCE – natural movement and the way we experience it. Children pick their own way of expression but will also learn the basics of social and ballroom dancing. 

Learning to relax is a skill for life and kid’s YOGA is the ideal tool. It also prepares the body for all day of happy movements.

VISUAL ART is not just about drawing but more about learning “to see” and sense our surrounding space. Also about getting to know various traditional materials such as graines, sand, dry fruits, rice, textiles and the art of creative recycling of things we often regard as vaste.   

The program involves theme trips and time spent in the outside parc. There is a great garden surrounding Pradelna and Sacre Coeur parc across the street.

The great final of the week belongs to performance for parents in the form of a life show or audiovisual vernisage depending on what the children decide to do.


AGE: 6–12 yrs
Capacity: 20 kids (in 2 groups)

Art experience: YES or NO
clothes for yoga, drinking bottle, home shoes
working clothes that can get dirty, musical instrument – if available


CZK 4 900  
Group enrollment 5 % discount
(if a sibling or a friend joins)

CONDITIONS in general:

All day program – MON to FRI
Entry btw 8:30–9:30
Program: 9:30–16:30
Depart btw 16:30–17:30

PRICE always includes:

  • all day program and two qualified lecturers/artists per 10 kids
  • all meals (two course lunches, 2 × snack, water regime)
  • 1 to 2 theme visits per week or a visit by a living artist/s
  • insurance for accidents
  • all material and tools
  • space rental

By purchasing our camp you directly support the protective workshops for disabled citizens Lemniskáta – život bez bariér, o.p.s.

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